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Are You Prematurely Aging Yourself?

Are You Prematurely Aging Yourself?

YOLO, you only live once. The motto was popularized by pop artist, Drake. But it has become the battle cry of millennials everywhere. YOLO is the justification people need to live dangerously and irresponsibly. But does a YOLO lifestyle mean you’re aging yourself...

How Health Insurance Companies Set Premiums

How Health Insurance Companies Set Premiums

As you drive down the street, you’re bound to pass a few gas stations. You’ll start to notice that each gas station has different pricing, some charge $2.12 a gallon, while another station might charge $2.04. It makes you think, “How do gas stations come up with their...

My First 30 Days with Oscar Health Insurance

My First 30 Days with Oscar Health Insurance

As someone who rarely visits a doctor, health insurance is often a pain. I pay money every month for something I rarely use and when I do want to use my health insurance, it’s often been a painful experience of automated options and constantly being rerouted. A few...

How Can Uber Drivers Get Health Insurance?

How Can Uber Drivers Get Health Insurance?

Uber is the most valuable private startup in the world. In its most recent round of fundraising, the car-booking company was valued at $62.5 billion. Much of Uber’s success is predicated on the thousands of drivers it partners with all over the world. A recent...

Essential Check-ups List Women Need To Know

Essential Check-ups List Women Need To Know

Living a healthy life requires you to take an active role in your well-being. While that might sound self-explanatory, there are far too many people who do not take care of themselves. This goes beyond eating right and exercising. Being an active participant in your...

The Amazing Benefits of a 30 Minute Walk

The Amazing Benefits of a 30 Minute Walk

Studies have indicated that the majority of Americans fall short of the recommended amount of exercise. In fact, far greater than the majority do, 80% do not get enough exercise. The U.S. government recommends that adults should get 2.5 hours of moderate exercise a...

5 Ways To Help You Afford Your Health Insurance Premium

5 Ways To Help You Afford Your Health Insurance Premium

No one likes paying their monthly bills. It’s the part of being an adult no one tells you about as a child. Paying your $100 phone bill hurts, but at least you get the satisfaction of hours of phone use each month. Your health insurance premium is an entirely...

Checkups Men Need For Every Decade of Life

Checkups Men Need For Every Decade of Life

When you’re a young child, it’s not uncommon for your parents to take you to the doctor on a regular basis. These visits help track your growth and make sure that you’re living a healthy life. But as we grow older, our visits to the doctor become more infrequent....

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