What are Dental Implants? 5 Benefits of Dental Implants
If you are missing one or more teeth, you may be considering dental implants as an option to improve your smile. Dental implants are a popular choice for tooth replacement because they offer many benefits over other options, such as dentures. In this blog post, we...
What’s the Difference Between a Deductible and Max Out-of-Pocket Costs?
When you’re in the market for a new TV, there are many different factors you have to weigh. What’s the size of the TV? What are the technical specs? Most importantly, what’s the price? When you’re purchasing a health insurance plan, you go through a similar thought...
If I’m Young and Healthy, Do I Need Health Insurance?
Browse YouTube long enough and you’ll find a compilation of “fail videos.” These videos are a human smorgasbord of human stupidity. It’s not just that people are falling down and hitting their faces, it’s that they’re voluntarily putting themselves in these dangerous...
What is a Health Savings Account?
It’s not uncommon for a young adult to have a high deductible insurance plan. These plans have low monthly premiums in exchange for a much higher deductible. It’s an attractive plan because healthy people don’t expect to get sick, so they want to pay the least amount...
How Laser Acupuncture Can Benefit You – 5 Benefits?
If you're looking for an alternative form of treatment that can help improve your health, you may want to consider laser acupuncture from acupunctures.com.au. This type of acupuncture uses a low-power laser to stimulate specific points on the body. It is a safe and...
What Is a Single-Payer Health Care Program?
We’re in the heart of the race for the American presidency. We’re down to five total candidates, two Democrats and three Republicans. One of the hot issues at play is health care. Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, a very liberal candidate, supports the single-payer...
5 Natural Ways to Keep Yourself Healthy
In today's world, it seems like everyone is constantly sick. It can be hard to stay healthy when you're surrounded by germs all the time. But did you know that there are natural ways to keep yourself healthy? In this blog post, we will discuss nine of the best ways to...
Getting Health Insurance When You Turn 26
Each year you celebrate a birthday. Some birthdays are a bigger deal than others. Sixteen is when you can drive, eighteen is when you can vote. You’re legally allowed to drink at twenty-one. But twenty-six? It’s been an insignificant birthday for many, until the...
What Should You Do If You Have No Insurance and a Dire Diagnosis?
The absolute first thing that anyone should do when they receive a dire diagnosis is to consult with their physician and specialists to come up with a treatment plan and begin treatment immediately. In the USA, everyone is entitled to treatment, regardless of whether...
Can Other People’s Unhealthy Decisions Affect My Health Insurance Premiums?
There’s no need to feel that your co-worker’s unhealthy lifestyle is taking more money out of your pocket via your shared company healthcare plan. If you take care of yourself and stay as healthy as you can, you’ll end up taking the most advantage of what everyone has paid in, far longer than anyone else.
Is an E Cigarette Better Than a Tobacco Cigarette?
There is a lot of debate about whether or not electronic cigarettes from IGETVapesOnline are better than tobacco cigarettes. Some people believe that they are, while others think that there is no difference. In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of each...
Can a health insurance company deny coverage for required medication when there is no alternative?
Before the Affordable Care Act went into effect in 2014, health insurance companies were legally allowed to exclude and/or refuse to cover whatever they wanted in their plans. It didn’t matter if it was a flu shot or in-patient hospital care after a car accident,...
How to Stop Hair Loss and Regrow Your Hair Naturally
Do you have a bald spot that's been bothering you for a while? Are you starting to see more hair in your brush than usual? If so, you're not alone. Millions of people suffer from hair loss every year and get hair wigs from KTS or hair transplants to cover up their...