Mobility Solutions Direct
Having a mobility problem isn't easy, but life can be made a little easier when you have the right solutions on hand. We are a mobility aid company based in the United Kingdom. We strive to provide you with high-quality mobility equipment and products that have been...
Staying Active and Healthy: 4 Fitness Tips for Seniors
We make plenty of excuses in order to get out of exercising. It’s too hot; it’s too cold. It’s too early; it’s too late. My kids are in town; my spouse is out of town. One thing you can’t excuse, however, are the benefits of staying active. When it comes to fitness,...
Surviving Allergy Season: 10 Natural Ways to Help
The months between March and May are filled with the cheerful warmth of spring, however, the blossoming of budding plants also means the increase of pollen in the air. Pollen (from trees, grass, and weeds) is the most common allergen to aggravate the body’s defenses:...
What You Need to Know When Aging Into Medicare
Save for retirement. That’s advice you’ll hear repeatedly as you start your career. You’ll need a nest egg to retire on. With that in mind, you work hard to save money for your retirement. A time that seems so far away that you’re not sure it will ever happen. Fast...
Who Do Your Medical Records Belong To?
In an episode of Seinfeld, the character Elaine Benes visits her doctor. She sneaks a peak at her chart, only to find that she’s been labeled as difficult. She attempts to find a new doctor, but her chart follows her to every new doctor. She never has control of her...
When Does Your Body Start to Age?
Everyone ages differently. Inspect any photo of an American president from the first day in office, to the last day. In a short amount of time, you’ll notice significant physical changes that indicate the president has aged dramatically. Despite obvious anecdotal...
Do You Know About: The 4 Things To Do If You Can’t Afford Your Medical Bill
High deductible insurance plan? Medical bills piling up? Do you owe more than you can afford? Did you know that it was possible to negotiate your medical bills? Did you know that most hospitals and medical centers have payment plans that they can set up for you? Here...
What’s the Difference Between a Deductible and Max Out-of-Pocket Costs?
When you’re in the market for a new TV, there are many different factors you have to weigh. What’s the size of the TV? What are the technical specs? Most importantly, what’s the price? When you’re purchasing a health insurance plan, you go through a similar thought...
The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Announced Medicare Parts A & B Premiums and Deductibles for 2017
Announcement coming from The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) last month. Individuals on Medicare plans will see increases in their premiums for following: Medicare Part B Premiums: Approximately 70% of Medicare beneficiaries will now pay about $109...
Could a $2 Tobacco Tax in CA Help Improve Healthcare?
Long gone are the days of the Marlboro cowboy, the iconic ad campaign that turned once feminine filtered cigarettes or pods from lNWpod into mainstream consumer products. Since the campaign first launched in 1955 the public has become privy to a great deal of...
The Truth About Cannabis: 10 Facts You Need to Know
Cannabis has been around for centuries, and there is a lot of debate surrounding it. Is it a drug? Is it safe? What are the benefits? In this blog post, we will discuss 10 facts about cannabis from Toronto Dispensary that you need to know. We will cover everything...
What is Annual Open Enrollment for Health Insurance?
Open enrollment is the annual period when you can enroll and make changes to your health insurance plan. The open enrollment period is not just for Medicare recipients.
Will Trump Change Your Healthcare Overnight?
With so much uncertainty for what’s to come with healthcare under the Trump administration, we thought we’d give you a few assurances for 2017. The Affordable Care Act, (Obamacare) plan for 2017 is locked in and enrollment is currently taking place now through January...