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Mobility Solutions Direct

Mobility Solutions Direct

Having a mobility problem isn't easy, but life can be made a little easier when you have the right solutions on hand. We are a mobility aid company based in the United Kingdom. We strive to provide you with high-quality mobility equipment and products that have been...

What are Dental Implants? 5 Benefits of Dental Implants

What are Dental Implants? 5 Benefits of Dental Implants

If you are missing one or more teeth, you may be considering dental implants as an option to improve your smile. Dental implants are a popular choice for tooth replacement because they offer many benefits over other options, such as dentures. In this blog post, we...

Lady Gaga Suffers from Fibromyalgia. What is it?

Lady Gaga Suffers from Fibromyalgia. What is it?

The ever talented Mother Monsters, Lady Gaga, recently went public about her medical diagnosis of fibromyalgia in her Netflix documentary called “Five Foot Two”. In this film she shared her struggles dealing with the condition and how it has infringed upon her career,...

Is the Flu Shot Right for You?

Is the Flu Shot Right for You?

The fall season is upon us. While we enjoy the colors of the leaves changing and look forward to holidays just around the corner, fall brings along it’s ugly partner: the flu. The last thing you need is a nasty sickness to slow you down, so before the weather starts...

Healthcare Hacks: How to Prepare for a Natural Disaster

Healthcare Hacks: How to Prepare for a Natural Disaster

Preparing for Disaster In light of recent natural disasters in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico, more people around the nation have focused on preparing their own families for such an occurrence. Floods, fires and tornadoes can destroy a community as fast as hurricane...

Switching Doctors: 3 Pro Tips

Switching Doctors: 3 Pro Tips

At some point in your life, there will be a time you will need to switch doctors from a hospital or an Ayurveda. This could be due to a move, new health condition, issues with a doctor and their office, or most likely, a new insurance plan. According to a...

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