COBRA is a very cool name for health insurance. Much cooler than the Bronze or Silver packages most insurance companies offer. If you were to pick a health insurance plan based solely on its name, COBRA would by my first choice. But what is it? Health insurance for...
It’s not uncommon for a young adult to have a high deductible insurance plan. These plans have low monthly premiums in exchange for a much higher deductible. It’s an attractive plan because healthy people don’t expect to get sick, so they want to pay the least amount...
If you were to watch any sporting event on television, you’re bound to watch a commercial for alcohol. Companies like Budweiser, Dos Equis, and Miller Lite spend billions of dollars a year getting you to buy their product. In fact, Anheuser-Busch spends more than $500...
Your wedding day. It’s the happiest day of your life. Leading up to the big day you have many big decisions regarding your wedding. Band or DJ? What kind of cake? Who’s sitting next to Uncle Jerry? Often times what gets lost in the shuffle is what to do about health...