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Checkups Men Need For Every Decade of Life

Checkups Men Need For Every Decade of Life

When you’re a young child, it’s not uncommon for your parents to take you to the doctor on a regular basis. These visits help track your growth and make sure that you’re living a healthy life. But as we grow older, our visits to the doctor become more infrequent....
The Dangers of Loneliness

The Dangers of Loneliness

Humans are social creatures by nature. While we each have varying needs of human interaction, everyone needs it. During our early years, we’re surrounded by our family at home and our classmates during the day on a daily basis. But as we grow older, we become more...
Do I Need an EKG?

Do I Need an EKG?

An electrocardiogram (EKG), it sounds scary. It sounds like something a TV doctor might yell out when a patient is being rushed into the emergency room. “Get me an EKG stat!” The reality is, EKG’s are much more docile than that. An electrocardiogram is a type of...

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